

Project Overview

Hydro Energy Group is a global leader in offshore personnel recruitment.

We successfully revitalized a recruitment agency’s social media presence after a period of inconsistent posting by implementing a strategic content calendar and engaging campaigns. Initially, we conducted a thorough analysis to identify gaps and opportunities in their existing social media efforts. We then developed a content calendar to ensure regular, targeted posts across all platforms, focusing on industry trends, job opportunities, and company culture. Additionally, we launched interactive campaigns, such as Q&A sessions and employee spotlights, to boost engagement. These efforts resulted in a significant increase in followers, engagement rates, and overall brand visibility, effectively reestablishing the agency’s online presence.


Step 01

About Hydro Energy Group

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Hydro Energy Group recognized the need to elevate their social media presence across various platforms to engage more effectively with their target audience and strengthen their brand. Faced with the challenges of low engagement rates, suboptimal conversion, and high advertising costs, Hydro Energy Group partnered with our agency to revamp their social media strategy.


Step 02

The Challenge:

Hydro Energy Group’s social media accounts had become stagnant, suffering from several critical issues that hampered their digital marketing effectiveness:
Low Click-Through Rates (CTR): Their posts failed to engage, resulting in minimal interaction from followers and a lack of new audience engagement.
Dead Accounts: Many of Hydro’s social media accounts had become inactive over time, with little to no new content or interaction, leading to a decline in follower engagement and brand visibility.
High Cost-Per-Click (CPC): Despite significant investment, the high costs associated with running campaigns did not yield proportional returns, indicating inefficiency in ad spending and targeting.


Step 03


The comprehensive revitalization strategy led to significant improvements in Hydro Energy Group’s social media performance:

Revival of previously inactive accounts with increased posting frequency and follower interactions.
Reduction in CPC through more efficient ad spend and better targeting.
Increase in overall engagement rates across platforms, demonstrating the success of the interactive and targeted content strategy.

Maximize Your Social Impact!